Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Asia-Pacific Partnership........More effective and efficient

By joining the Asia-Pacific partnership, Canada will become more effective in their fight to reduce pollution. The six partner countries represent about half of the world's economy and with their help, Canada will now be able to develop and share technologies that will reduce pollution. With those six powerful countries combining their resources together, it will only be a matter of time before we have a better and cleaner environment. The Kyoto-protocol has been there for a while but it hasn't been very effective and I think that it's now time to try something else. Another positive aspect of it is that Canada will be able to reduce pollution without harming its economy. Environment is very important but we need to know how to balance ourselves. We need to use strategies that are efficient and not spend all our money on one issue. Therefore, by joining the Asia-Pacific partnership, Canada will be able to help the environment without harming the country's economy.

1 comment:

Me said...

i didn't quite agree with you but you put up some interesting points.